On set / The Buzz on Living Longer

The Buzz on Living Longer
A Sardinian Dishes the Facts
The Buzz on Living Longer
A Sardinian Dishes the Facts
This past January, we decided to decamp to to the island of Sardinia to escape gloomy Tuscany (yes, there's such a thing).

The plan was to enjoy some much-needed downtime on the island's less-populated central western coast. This is where life takes on a slower pace. There's no autostrada and tractors and sheep abound on the roadways. We set up house in a traditional cottage in the village of Nurachi which is surrounded by artichoke fields during the winter. As you enter, a sign greets you with “one of the Italy's most authentic villages.” It's also where Ivo Pirisi lives, a research scientist-cum-experiential guide and one of Sardinia's most passionate defenders of Sardinia's foodways and farming traditions. On assignment for Italy Magazine, Modio Media's Gia Amella caught up with the eloquent Pirisi for to talk break down all the buzz around longevity, a healthier approach to tourism, and why he traded life in the big city of Cagliari for the quiet and authenticity of village life. Read the full interview.