On set / A Premier, Finally

Best Documentary at the 2021 Caorle Independent Film Festival

A Premier, Finally

2021 Caorle Indy Film Festival

A Premier, Finally

2021 Caorle Indy Film Festival

It was crushing having to postpone the March 2020 Rome premier of our first theatrical documentary, 30,000 Miles to the Finish, due to global health crisis. There were other firsts, too. Our first completely self-funded production, a risky endeavor. And my very first feature-length script in Italian. After nearly two years of filming and many months of editing, script revisions, and more editing, having to delay its release was like being back at square one.

Cinema Barch-in 2021 Venice - credits @jadd_photos Giada Vicenzi

At times, it felt self-indulgent complaining about a lost opportunity to screen before major press knowing how much others had lost.  Restrictions loosened and we set another premier date, this time in Florence at the Cinema La Compagnia founded by Tuscany's regional government. The second lockdown came. Finally, in August 2020, we had our first official screening in Venice, a novel 5-day film event called Barch-In. Instead of cars, people simply pulled up in their boats and watched a series of hand-picked films (including ours) on a big screen in front of the Arsenale, Venice's historic shipyards. Though we couldn't attend, our film received a warm reception.

Through autumn we screened in a handful of select movie theaters, Rome, Florence, Rimini and in a few Italian festivals. And we received our first award for Best Documentary at the 2021 Caorle Independent Film Festival that had come back, wobbly but alive, from a year-long hiatus. We were back in the game and with our Italian theatrical distributor's support on the back-end, albeit cautiously optimistic, we're looking ahead and plotting next year's round of screenings in movie theaters. Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul as Kahlil Gibran wrote. Hopefully navigating in more peaceful waters in the year ahead.

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