Branded / Aia di Ramarella Farm

Aia di Ramarella Farm
Where the garden grows, people grow
Aia di Ramarella Farm
Where the garden grows, people grow
In early 2024, Tuscany-based social cooperative Koinè tapped Modio Media to create a video promoting one of their funded initiatives, a working farm nestled in the Tuscan countryside, that offers training to vulnerable populations in all areas of farm management through green and animal-assisted therapy. Over several months, we documented the goings-on at Aia di Ramarella, situated in rolling countryside in the Arno Valley. which means farmyard. Under mentors' guidance, participants manage the farm, care for Ramarella's vegetable garden and sundry beloved barnyard animals, eventually applying skills they learn to the outside world, many finding employment in the agricultural sector. It was an honor working with project leaders, mentors and the participants who truly imbue this very special place with a feeling of purpose and goodwill.